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Creating a table gives a "missing right parenthesis" error

I have been getting error "ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis" when I run this create table statement:

create table employee(
  primary key(emp_id number(20)),
  emp_name varchar(30),
  birth_date date CHECK(birth_date>18),
  gender varchar(10),
  dept_no number(20)
    REFERENCES department(dept_no),
  address varchar(50),
  designation varchar(20)
    CHECK(designation IN('manager', 'clerk', 'leader', 'analyst', 'designer', 'coder','tester')),
  salary number(50)
  experience number(2),
  email_id varchar(30)
    CONSTRAINT chk_email
    CHECK (REGEXP_LIKE(email_id,'^[A-Za-z0-9_.]+@[A-Za-z]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,4}$'))

I have looked up the exact syntax and after checking many times, everything seems to be just perfect but the error still exists. What is wrong?


  • A little bit of

    • invalid syntax (position of the primary key keywords),
    • superfluous foreign key keywords (you'd use them out of line, not inline),
    • check constraint for the birth_date column is wrong (how can date be larger than 18?),
    • Oracle suggests us to use varchar2 instead of varchar,
    • number(50) has too large precision (perhaps you'd rather just skip it).

    Once fixed (with a dummy master table):

    SQL> CREATE TABLE department
      2  (
      3     dept_no   NUMBER PRIMARY KEY
      4  );
    Table created.


    SQL> CREATE TABLE employee
      2  (
      3     emp_id        NUMBER (20) PRIMARY KEY,
      4     emp_name      VARCHAR2 (30),
      5     birth_date    DATE,
      6     gender        VARCHAR2 (10),
      7     dept_no       NUMBER CONSTRAINT fk_emp_dept REFERENCES department (dept_no),
      8     address       VARCHAR2 (50),
      9     designation   VARCHAR2 (20)
     10                     CHECK
     11                        (designation IN ('manager',
     12                                         'clerk',
     13                                         'leader',
     14                                         'analyst',
     15                                         'designer',
     16                                         'coder',
     17                                         'tester')),
     18     salary        NUMBER CHECK (salary > 0),
     19     experience    NUMBER (2),
     20     email_id      VARCHAR2 (30)
     21                     CONSTRAINT chk_email CHECK
     22                        (REGEXP_LIKE (
     23                            email_id,
     24                            '^[A-Za-z0-9_.]+@[A-Za-z]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,4}$'))
     25  );
    Table created.

    As of a trigger that checks employee's age, here's how:

      2     BEFORE INSERT
      3     ON employee
      4     FOR EACH ROW
      5  BEGIN
      6     IF MONTHS_BETWEEN (SYSDATE, :new.birth_date) < 18 * 12
      7     THEN
      8        raise_application_error (-20000,
      9                                 'Too young; must be at least 18 years of age');
     10     END IF;
     11  END;
     12  /
    Trigger created.
    SQL> INSERT INTO employee (emp_id, birth_date) VALUES (1, DATE '2020-07-25');
    INSERT INTO employee (emp_id, birth_date) VALUES (1, DATE '2020-07-25')
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-20000: Too young; must be at least 18 years of age
    ORA-06512: at "SCOTT.TRG_BI_EMP", line 4
    ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'SCOTT.TRG_BI_EMP'
    SQL> INSERT INTO employee (emp_id, birth_date) VALUES (1, DATE '1997-07-25');
    1 row created.