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splitting the address column in pandas

I have a pandas dataset like this:

import pandas as pd

data = {'id':  ['001', '002', '003','004'],
        'address': ["William J. Clare\\n290 Valley Dr.\\nCasper, WY 82604\\nUSA",
                    "1180 Shelard Tower\\nMinneapolis, MN 55426\\nUSA",
                    "William N. Barnard\\n145 S. Durbin\\nCasper, WY 82601\\nUSA",
                    "215 S 11th ST"],
        'locality': [None, None, None,'Laramie'],
        'region': [None, None, None, 'WY'],
        'Zipcode': [None, None, None, '87656'],
        'Country': [None, None, None, 'US']

df = pd.DataFrame(data)

I tried to split the address column by new line but however since it has two \ followed by n. I am not able to do . Please help me in splitting the \n from address and exptrapolate into locality region zipcode and country.

sample output:

id  address locality    region  Zipcode Country
1   290 Valley Dr.  Casper  WY  82604   USA
2   1180 Shelard Tower  Minneapolis MN  55426   USA
3   145 S. Durbin   Casper  WY  82601   USA
4   215 S 11th ST   Laramie WY  87656   US

I tried different methods to split \n using split command but it gives me extra \. And I am trying to keep it in pandas dataframe so that I can carry further analysis.


  • Here is an approach using extract instead of split and update in place:

     .set_axis(["address", "region", "Zipcode", "Country"], axis=1) 
    df['name'] = pd.NA
              .set_axis(['name', 'address', 'locality'], axis=1)


        id             address     locality region Zipcode Country                name
    0  001      290 Valley Dr.       Casper     WY   82604     USA    William J. Clare
    1  002  1180 Shelard Tower  Minneapolis     MN   55426     USA                <NA>
    2  003       145 S. Durbin       Casper     WY   82601     USA  William N. Barnard
    3  004       215 S 11th ST      Laramie     WY   87656      US                <NA>

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