I'm following the directions from here and I've gotten this far...
Prerequisites: Docker Compose version v2.10.2
It's at this point I get the following message:
[+] Running 0/2
- postgresql Error 0.8s
- datalore Error 0.8s
Error response from daemon: manifest for jetbrains/datalore-server:2022.3 not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown
I'm completely void of ideas for what to try or where to look for more details to even get started other than emailing support at Jetbrains directly (which I've done). The only thing I can think of is that there's some unspoken prerequisite that I'm not aware of because the instructions don't really seem that complicated to this point.
you cloned master branch with datalore-server 2022.3, which is not released yet. You need to either clone an older version (like 2022.2.3) or edit your /docker-compose/docker-compose.yaml and change the image tags there:
image: jetbrains/datalore-server:2022.2.3
image: jetbrains/datalore-postgres:2022.2.3