I have this dataframe:
Id | Minute | identifier |
aa | 1 | 1 |
aa | 1 | 2 |
aa | 1 | 3 |
aa | 2 (ignore) | 4 |
aa | 1 | 5 |
aa | 1 | 6 |
bb | 1 | 7 |
bb | 1 | 8 |
bb | 5 (ignore) | 9 |
bb | 1 | 10 |
My desired output is grouped by "Id", but sum consecutive "Minute" (only when they are = 1):
Id | Minute |
aa | 3 |
aa | 2 |
bb | 2 |
bb | 1 |
It can be done using window functions. They must be used twice: to create helper column for grouping and then to create groups. Then, group rows according to created groups.
from pyspark.sql import functions as F, Window as W
df = spark.createDataFrame(
[('aa', 1, 1),
('aa', 1, 2),
('aa', 1, 3),
('aa', 2, 4),
('aa', 1, 5),
('aa', 1, 6),
('bb', 1, 7),
('bb', 1, 8),
('bb', 5, 9),
('bb', 1, 10)],
['Id', 'Minute', 'identifier'])
w = W.partitionBy('Id').orderBy('identifier')
df = df.withColumn('_flg', F.coalesce(F.when(F.lag("Minute").over(w) != F.col("Minute"), 1), F.lit(0)))
df = df.withColumn('_grp', F.sum('_flg').over(w))
df = (df
.filter(F.col('Minute') == 1)
.groupBy('Id', '_grp')
# +---+------+
# | Id|Minute|
# +---+------+
# | aa| 3|
# | aa| 2|
# | bb| 2|
# | bb| 1|
# +---+------+