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What's the correct way to view idempotency in terms of HTTP DELETE?

I have spent a lot of time recently reading the HTTP 1.1 specification and relating it to REST. I have found that there are two interpretations of the HTTP DELETE method in regards to its "idempotency" and safety. Here are the two camps:

  1. If you delete a resource with HTTP DELETE, and it succeeds (200 OK), and then you try to delete that resource N number of times, you should get back a success message (200 OK) for each and every one of those delete calls. This is its "idempotencyness".

  2. If you delete a resource with HTTP DELETE, and it succeeds (200 OK), and then you try to delete that resource again, you should get back an error message (410 Gone) because the resource was deleted.

The specification says DELETE is idempotent, sure, but it also says that sequences of idempotent events can still produce side effects. I really feel like the second camp is correct, and the first is misleading. What "safety" have we introduced by allowing clients to think they were the cause for deleting a resource previously deleted?

There are a LOT of people in the first camp, including several authors on the subject, so I wanted to check if there was some compelling reason other than emotions that lead people into the first camp.


  • Being idempotent does not mean that a request is not allowed to have side-effects (that's what the 'safe' property describes). It just mean that issuing the same request multiple times will not result in different or additional side-effects.

    In my opinion, the subsequent DELETE request should return an error - it's still idempotent because the state of the server is that same as if only one DELETE request were made. Then again returning the 200 OK status should be OK as well - I don't think being idempotent requires the returning of an error code for the subsequent DELETE requests - it's just that returning the error status seems to make more sense to me.