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git : how to perform some operation to some specific submodule

Git has the foreach command to recursively enter each submodule and so some operations. I now want to narrow the scope to some specific ones.

For example, there are 100 submodules inside a git repo. At some point, several of the submodules get dirty, the dirty submodules can show up with git status -sb. I only want to execute git clean for these dirty submodules.

I can use git submodule foreach git clean, however this recursively enter 100 submodules and perform the git clean, but most of them are not needed and waste a lot of time.

What I want is some kind of git submodule foreachdirty, or at least git submodule <submoduleName> to execute command on specific ones. Is there such facility existing?


  • Note that "running a git action in a submodule" is equivalent to :

    cd path/to/submodule
    git action


    git -C path/to/submodule action

    If you have a way to list your dirty submodules, you can simply run a loop. For example in bash :

    # if you have listed them in a file, the command can simply be 'cat dirtylist.txt'
    <command to list submodules> | while read submod; do git -C $submod clean -fd; done