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Only one JIRA issue per top-level groupId is necessary. This looks like a duplicate of OSSRH-12345, so let's track progress in that issue

I tried to create a repo for my 2nd artifact. but it gives me

Only one JIRA issue per top-level groupId is necessary. This looks like a duplicate of OSSRH-85362, so let's track progress in that issue.

My 1st repo group id is io.github.cozyloon.lets. Now i tried to create io.github.cozyloon.RAapi but it shows above error. any solution for this


  • I figured it how it works. After creating a repo with the Jira issue we don't need to create again for the new artifact. we can release that artifact under the io.github.cozyloon We only need to create 1 Jira issue to create our own repo and sync it with maven central. That's all. After successful sync, we can create any artifact under this group id


    1. io.github.cozyloon.lets
