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Pandas applymap to Style cell based on another column

DB Policy Snapshot Time
A-DB PROD_BACKUP 10/17/2022 12:00:00
B-DB PROD_BACKUP 10/16/2022 10:00:00
C-DB NONPROD_BACKUP 10/15/2022 16:00:00

If the above data is in my dataframe, I pass snapshot time through applymap and currently it will highlight the snapshot time cell if the snapshot time was >24 hours ago. But I only want that for prod backups. For non-prod backups, I want >72 hours. Here is what I have right now:

import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime,timedelta

report_start_time =

def highlight_cells(val, check_time, limit):
    time_diff = check_time - val

    total_hours = (time_diff.days*24) + (time_diff.seconds / (60*60))

    if (total_hours >= limit):
        format_code = '''background-color: #B00202;
           font-weight: bold'''
        format_code = ''

    return format_code
def highlight_snap(val, check_time):
    style = highlight_cells(val, check_time, 24)
    return style

d = {'DB': ['A-DB', 'B-DB', 'C-DB'], 'Policy': ['PROD_BACKUP','PROD_BACKUP','NONPROD_BACKUP'], 'Snapshot Time': ['10/17/2022 12:00:00','10/16/2022 10:00:00','10/15/2022 16:00:00']}
df = pd.DataFrame(data=d)
df['Snapshot Time'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Snapshot Time'])

table_styler = [
    {   "selector" : "table",
        "props":[   ("border", "3px solid black"),
                    ("width", "100%")
     {   "selector" : "th",
         "props":[   ("color","black"),
                     ("background-color", "#F5F3F3"),
                     ("border", "1px solid gray"),
                     ("padding", "3px 3px"),
                     ("font-size", "16px")
     {   "selector" : "td",
         "props":[   ("color","black"),
                     ("border", "1px solid gray"),
                     ("padding", "1px 3px"),
                     ("font-size", "14px")

df_styler =

df_styler = df_styler.applymap(highlight_snap, subset=['Snapshot Time'], check_time=report_start_time)

print (df_styler.to_html())

So how do I pass the current row's policy into the applymap function so I can add an if statement that says "if prod, do 24 hours, if non-prod do 72 hours"?


  • I solved my issue by following this other question.

    Couldn't find that before I asked my own question. Anyway, here is my test code with the fix:

    import pandas as pd
    from datetime import datetime,timedelta
    report_start_time =
    def highlight_cells(val, check_time, limit):
        time_diff = check_time - val
        total_hours = (time_diff.days*24) + (time_diff.seconds / (60*60))
        if (total_hours >= limit):
            format_code = '''background-color: #B00202;
               font-weight: bold'''
            format_code = ''
        return format_code
    def highlight_snap(row, check_time):
        # subset=['SLA Domain Name', 'Last Snapshot']
        if row['Policy'] == 'NONPROD_BACKUP':
            style = highlight_cells(row['Snapshot Time'], check_time, 120)
            style = highlight_cells(row['Snapshot Time'], check_time, 24)
        return pd.Series({'Snapshot Time':style})
    d = {'DB': ['A-DB', 'B-DB', 'C-DB'], 'Policy': ['PROD_BACKUP','PROD_BACKUP','NONPROD_BACKUP'], 'Snapshot Time': ['10/18/2022 12:00:00','10/16/2022 10:00:00','10/15/2022 16:00:00']}
    df = pd.DataFrame(data=d)
    df['Snapshot Time'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Snapshot Time'])
    table_styler = [
        {   "selector" : "table",
            "props":[   ("border", "3px solid black"),
                        ("width", "100%")
         {   "selector" : "th",
             "props":[   ("color","black"),
                         ("background-color", "#F5F3F3"),
                         ("border", "1px solid gray"),
                         ("padding", "3px 3px"),
                         ("font-size", "16px")
         {   "selector" : "td",
             "props":[   ("color","black"),
                         ("border", "1px solid gray"),
                         ("padding", "1px 3px"),
                         ("font-size", "14px")
    df_styler =
    df_styler = df_styler.apply(highlight_snap, subset=['Policy','Snapshot Time'], axis=1, check_time=report_start_time)
    print (df_styler.to_html())

    I had a feeling it was going to be something with apply and not applymap but couldn't make sense of the documentation. The key for me, which the answer I linked to helped me understand, is what I was expected to return back to apply. Hope this helps someone out.