I want to assert that an exception has a particular property set, but I can't work out a better way to do it than this:
try {
_ = await Repo.GetUserEmailVerificationCode(user3.Id);
catch (InvalidRequestException ex) when (ex.Tag == "EXPIRED") {
catch {
I can do this, but I can see no way to check the Tag
property on my Exception:
await Assert.ThrowsAsync<InvalidRequestException>(() => Repo.GetUserEmailVerificationCode(user3.Id));
Is there a XUnit assertion that can do this in a more concise single line Assert
If I'm understanding correctly, you could just assign that assertion to a variable.
var ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync<InvalidRequestException>(() => Repo.GetUserEmailVerificationCode(user3.Id));
And then do another assertion
Assert.Equal("blah", ex.Tag);