class A {
func test(string: String, another defaultValue: String = "") {
class B {
func test(string: String, different defaultValue: Bool = true) {
protocol Test {
func test(string: String)
extension A: Test {
func test(string: String) {
self.test(string: string)
extension B: Test {
func test(string: String) {
self.test(string: string)
When I do this I get the following error
Function call causes an infinite recursion
How to confirm to the protocol Test
to the classes which have similar function names
When A or B conform to Test, there is no way for the program to know which .test
you're calling, cause the internal .test
methods in A & B have default values.
To resolve the ambiguity, you can be specific:
extension A: Test {
func test(string: String) {
self.test(string: string, another: "")
extension B: Test {
func test(string: String) {
self.test(string: string, different: true)