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Xpath to verify multiple TD to filter 1 unique TR

I need to verify that a <tr> exists which contains 3 <td> with specific values.

There are 100+ <tr> tags on the page. I am trying to filter them using 1 xpath.

for instance if I filter all the <tr> on these 3 values:




That should return 1 <tr> containing those <td>.

So what I need to do, would be to filter each xpath against the previous leaving a single unique remaining. I came across the | union operator which is almost what I want but instead of combining the results I want to exclude them.

I tried this xpath:

//tr[contains(td/text(), 'Belgium') and contains(td/text(), 'be-stelara-cd-uc') and contains(td/text(), '2022-07')]

html example:


//tr[contains(td/text(), 'Belgium') and contains(td[2]/text(), 'be-stelara-cd-uc') and contains(td[3]/text(), '2022-07')]

This works, I did not realise that the td would check for ordering as well. If possible I would like to tweak the question to come up with a universal solution considering that the order cannot be guaranteed.


  • If you can rely on the data in the picture, that is: no whitespace and no other inline-elements more than shown, you could try this:

    //tr[td[text()= 'Belgium'] and td[text()= 'be-stelara-cd-uc'] and td[contains(text(), '2022-07')]]

    If you want to be extra sure and want to filter unwanted space you could try this:

    //tr[td[text()[normalize-space()= 'Belgium']] and td[text()[normalize-space()= 'be-stelara-cd-uc']] and td[contains(text(), '2022-07')]]

    If more content can be present just use the . and contains() together like this:

    //tr[td[contains(., 'Belgium')]and td[contains(., 'be-stelara-cd-uc')]and td[contains(., '2022-07')]]

    And to be complete you could also just test the text-content of the tr like this:

    //tr[contains(., 'Belgium') and contains(., 'be-stelara-cd-uc') and contains(., '2022-07')]