I have a Dockerized Solr and I have to update a configset. The file I modified is under this path: solrhome/server/solr/configsets/myconfig/conf
and is called DIH_ContentIndex.xml
. After that, I deleted my Docker images and containers with these commands:
docker container stop <solr_container_id>
docker container rm <solr_container_id>
docker image rm <solr_img_id>
docker volume rm <solr_volume>
I rebuilt everything but Solr is not taking changes, as I can see when i go in the Files
section. So, I decided to add a configset, that we will call newconfig
with my changes at the same level of the other one. Redid everything and restarted. But nothing. So, I decided to enter the container with docker exec -it --user root <solr_container_id> /bin/bash
and decided to change the files manually (just to test). Stopped, restarted the container but still nothing. After deleting again everything about Docker, I can still see my changes from inside the container. At this point, I think either I'm not deleting everything or I'm not placing my new config in the right directory. What else do I need to do for a clean build?
Here is the fragment of docker-compose
I'm trying to launch, just in case this is the fault.
container_name: "MySolr"
build: ./solr
restart: always
hostname: solr
- "8983:8983"
- my-network
- vol_solr:/opt/solr
- configdb
- zookeeper
ZK_HOST: zookeeper:2181
Of course, everything else is running fine so there is no error witht he dependencies.
It is not a problem of browser cache. I already tried cleaning the cache and using a different browser.
Some updates: it actually copies my config inside the fresh-built image.. But still, can't select it from the Frontend. Clearly, I'm placing my config files in the wrong path.
Thank you in advance!
Solved! All I had to do was:
enter the Solr container, with this command:
docker exec -it --user root <solr_container_id> /bin/bash
entering as root to be able to install nano
copy my pre-existing config somewhere (in the same path of bin for convenience) and modify the file DIH_ContentIndex.xml
apt update
apt install nano
nano DIH_ContentIndex.xml
Go to solr/bin
pload to ZK, using this command:
solr zk upconfig -n config_name -d /path/to/config_folder