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QML - Switch button is controlled by spacebar - why?

In my Pyside/QML application I want to use spacebar onPressed event for my purpose - it works. When add to my app Switch button, then the spacebar button controls the Switch instead of calling my onPressed event. Is there any way to disable the Switch from being controlled by the spacebar button?

  1. Spacebar catch event:
Item {
        anchors.fill: parent
        focus: true
        Keys.onPressed: (event)=> {
                if (event.key == Qt.Key_Space) {
                    event.accepted = true;
  1. Switch button
 Switch {
                    id: switchBtn
                    text: qsTr("mode")
                    font.pixelSize: 16
                    font.bold: false
                    font.italic: true


  • This is caused by the focus property of the Switch. When you click it, it takes over the focus. Either you set the focus property of the Switch to false and the focus of the Itemto true at some point to get back the focus on the Item or you don't allow the Switch to never get focus with the focusPolicy property (focusPolicy documentation).

    One remark: You should use === for comparison in JavaScript. You could also use the Keys.onSpacePressed directly to avoid the if statement (spacePressed documentation).

    import QtQuick
    import QtQuick.Controls
    Window {
        width: 640
        height: 480
        visible: true
        title: qsTr("Hello World")
        Item {
            anchors.fill: parent
            focus: true
            Keys.onSpacePressed: (event)=> {
                console.log("Space pressed")
                event.accepted = true
         Switch {
            id: switchBtn
            text: qsTr("mode")
            font.pixelSize: 16
            font.bold: false
            font.italic: true
            checked: false
            focusPolicy: Qt.NoFocus