Using a scheme with such set
type Query {
client: ClientQuery!
type ClientQuery {
info(clientId: String): Client
type Client {
gender: String
name: String
i have same reoslver for it
class ClientResource {
fun client(@ContextValue clientId: Long): ClientQuery {
val currentClient = getClient(clientId) { "Current client $currentClient" }
return query
class ClientQuery {
@SchemaMapping(typeName = "ClientQuery ", field = "info")
fun info(@Argument cleintId: String): Client {
// some manipulation
return Client()
but i want use inner class ClientQuery
instead of class ClientQuery
but when i use inner class
when calling the graphiql request{client{info(clientId:"1"){gender,name}}}
in the response comes null and I don’t see that there was a call to the inner class
Maybe there is something that I am missing
Please verify you haven't made a typo in your @Argument cleintId , since in your graphiql request you mention you are sending clientId:"1".
Also you could try putting both mappings at the same level inside the Controller:
fun client(@ContextValue clientId: Long): ChatQuery {
val currentClient = getClient(clientId) { "Current client $currentClient" }
return query
@SchemaMapping(typeName = "ClientQuery ", field = "info")
fun info(@Argument cleintId: String): Client {
// some manipulation
return Client()