I am creating custom keyboard. This keyboard created with custom class without xml usage. This is purely customized class for Keyboard. I did not use xml. Now I want to add the custom class in to the popup.
instead View customView = layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.popup,null);
Can I use my Custom class?
My class will be like following:
public class CustomKeyboard extends LinearLayout {
//Creating layouts and buttons for Keyboard
I want to add my CustomKeyboard in popupWindow. Please give me some ideas for this issue.
Inflate view mean nothing but adding new view to the parent view. So we can directly add the view instead of inflating views.
CustomKeyboard custKeyboard = new CustomKeyboard(context);
//View customView = layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.popup,null);//No need to use this.
View customView = custKeyboard;// Instead we can use this.