I have a sharepoint list that contains the following information [list1]:
I have another list that contains the following info [List2]:
I am writing a powerapps for the user to apply for a leave and data must be updated in list2, In the powerapps form, the Resource Name should be a dropdown of only the 'Resources' present in list1 [Display Name]. The 'Project' field must populate the project of the 'Resource' selected from list1.
I have set the following properties of DataCardValue of 'Resource Name' in the form to:
Items= Choices(list1.'Resource Name')
Value= DisplayName
I have also set the following properties of the 'Resource Name' card in the form to:
No errors are indicated in powerapps, however when i am previewing the app, nothing is being listed in the dropdown of 'Resource Name'. Can you please help?
Change items
property of dropdown control to:
Distinct(list1, 'Resource Name'.DisplayName).Result
Then change Value
It should show you the options in dropdown control.