I've generated a cubic world using FastNoiseLite but I don't know how to differentiate top level blocks as grass and bottom one's dirt when using 3d noise.
TArray<float> CalculateNoise(const FVector& ChunkPosition)
// ChunkSize is 32
for (int z = 0; z < ChunkSize; z++)
for (int y = 0; y < ChunkSize; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < ChunkSize; x++)
const float Noise = GetNoise(FVector(ChunkPosition.X + x, ChunkPosition.Y + y, ChunkPosition.Z + z));
Densities.Add(Noise - ChunkPosition.Z);
return Densities;
void AddCubeMaterial(const FVector& ChunkPosition)
const int32 DensityIndex = GetIndex(ChunkPosition);
const float Density = Densities[DensityIndex];
if (Density < 1)
// Add Grass block
// Add dirt block
void GetNoise(const FVector& Position) const
const float Height = 280.f;
if (bIs3dNoise)
FastNoiseLiteObj->GetNoise(Position.X, Position.Y, Position.Z) * Height;
FastNoiseLiteObj->GetNoise(Position.X, Position.Y) * Height;
This is the result when using 3D noise.
But if I switch to 2D noise it works perfectly fine.
This answer applies to Perlin like noise.
Your integer chunk size is dis-contiguous in noise space.
'Position' needs to be scaled by 1/Height
. To scale the noise as a contiguous block. Then scale by Height
If you were happy with the XY axes(2D), you could limit the scaling to the Z axis:
FastNoiseLiteObj->GetNoise(Position.X, Position.Y, Position.Z / Height) * Height;
This adjustment provides a noise continuous Z block location with respect to Position(X,Y).
Contiguous: The noise algorithm guarantees continuous output in all dimensions.
By sampling every 32 pixels (dis-contiguous sampling), The continuity is broken, on purpose(?) and augmented by the Density.
To guarantee a top level grass layer:
Densities.Add(Noise + (ChunkPosition.Z > Threshold) ? 1: 0);
Your code- ChunkPosition.Z
made grass thicker as it went down. Add it back if you wish.
To add random overhangs/underhangs reduce the Density threshold randomly:
if (Density < (rnd() < 0.125)? 0.5 : 1)
I leave the definition of rnd()
to your preferred random distribution.
To almost always have overhangs, requires forward lookup of the next and previous blocks' Z in noise.
Precalculate the noise values for the next line into alternating arrays 2 wider than the width to support the edges set at 0.
The algorithm is:
// declare arrays: currentnoise[ChunkSize + 2] and nextnoise[ChunkSize +2] and alpha=.2; //see text
for (int y = 0; y < ChunkSize; y++) // note the reorder y-z-x
// pre load currentnoise for z=0
currentnoise[0] = 0;
currentnoise[ChunkSize+1] = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < ChunkSize; x++)
currentnoise[x + 1] = GetNoise(FVector(ChunkPosition.X + x, ChunkPosition.Y + y, ChunkPosition.Z));
for (int z = 1; z < ChunkSize -2; z++)
nextnoise[0] = 0;
nextnoise[ChunkSize+1] = 0;
// load next
for (int x = 0; x < ChunkSize; x++)
nextnoise[x + 1] = GetNoise(FVector(ChunkPosition.X + x, ChunkPosition.Y + y, ChunkPosition.Z + z+1));
// apply current with next
for (int x = 0; x < ChunkSize; x++)
Densities.Add(currentnoise[x + 1] * .75 + nextnoise[x+2] * alpha + nextnoise[x] * alpha);
// move next to current in a memory safe manor:
// it is faster to swap pointers, but this is much safer for portability
for (int i = 1; i < ChunkSize + 1; i++)
// apply last z(no next)
for (int x = 0; x < ChunkSize; x++)
Densities.Add(currentnoise[X + 1]);
Where alpha is approximately between .025 and .25 depending on preferred fill amounts.
The 2 inner most x for loops could be streamlined into 1 loop, but left separate for readability.(it requires 2 preloads)