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Troubleshooting arguments - Channel ID's

@client.slash_command(name = 'announce', description = 'Makes XYZ announcement in your announcements channel')
async def announce(interaction: nextcord.Interaction, channel: nextcord.TextChannel, *, msg):
    await channel.send(f'{msg}')

I keep receiving a typehint error which is relevant to SlashOptions. I am just trying to send the message into the specified channel defined by the channel argument. Why is it error out?


  • @client.slash_command(name = 'announce', description = 'Makes XYZ announcement in your announcements channel')
    async def announce(interaction: nextcord.Interaction, channel: nextcord.TextChannel, *, msg):
        channel_id =
        channel = client.get_channel(channel_id)
        await channel.send(f'{msg}')

    So to answer my own question I went back and was looking at previous code I had written and realized I never specified where I was trying to send the message even though the channel was an "argument"

    To fix this I realized that I needed to specify the channel the user was inputting by utilizing:

    #Creates a variable to collect channel: nextcord.TextChannel
        channel_id =
    # Now specifying the channel to send it to by grabbing the channel id of the requested channel.
        channel = client.get_channel(channel_id)

    This more or less became less Slash Option help and more of an understanding command arguments. Never give up folks! You'll get there eventually.