I am working on below requirement. I have below input file and trying to extract specific information using regex and create a output csv file with all matches.
Sample file
[2022-05-31T16:56:25.551558-04:00] [XFM] [TRACE:1] [EPMHFM-00000] [XFM] [ecid: XDS.0000.0000.0000.0001] [File: c:\jenkins\workspace\hfm_11.2.8_rue_build\hfm\source\xfmdatasourceroot\xfmdatasource\xfmdatasource.cpp] [Line: 601] [userId: ] [Msg arguments: ] [appName: COMMAPS4] [pid: 8364] [tid: 14160] [host: win2019standard] [nwaddr: [fe80::3d7e:f4de:2f83:8e30%4]:0;;] [errorCode: 0] [srcException: 0] [errType: 1] [dbUpdate: 2] [] [[XDS: XFMDataSource process starting...
[2022-08-28T20:04:39.037507-04:00] [XFM] [TRACE:1] [EPMHFM-00000] [XFM] [ecid: ] [File: c:\jenkins\workspace\hfm_11.2.6_build\hfm\source\xfmdatasourceroot\xfmdatasource\xfmdatasource.cpp] [Line: 489] [userId: ] [Msg arguments: ] [appName: COMMAPS4] [pid: 11496] [tid: 9268] [host: Win2019standard] [nwaddr: [fe80::dca:9652:390a:7031%11]:0;;] [errorCode: 0] [srcException: 0] [errType: 1] [dbUpdate: 2] [] [[XDS: XFMDataSource process exiting now ...
Below is the powershell with regex used to extract desired values.
Get-Content -Path "C:\Users\test.txt" |select-String -pattern "(\d{4}\-\d{2}\-\d{2})|`(\d\d:\d\d:\d\d|host+:\s([a-zA-Z \d]+))|appName+:\s([a-zA-Z \d]+)|`(11.\d.\d.\d.\d\d\d.\d\d)|pid+:\s([a-zA-Z \d]+)|XDS+:\s([a-zA-Z \d]+)"-AllMatches|ForEach-Object {$_.Matches.value} |ForEach-Object {$_.Groups[1].Value}
appName: COMMAPS4
pid: 8364
host: win2019standard
XDS: XFMDataSource process starting
Goal is create CSV file with below format with all the results.
Date , Time , Appname , PID , Host , Message
2022-05-31, 16:56:25, COMMAPS4, 8364,win2019standard, XFMDataSource starting
Tried outfile and export-Csv which is not giving desired outputs
$content =Get-Content -Path "C:\Users\test.txt"
$regex = '(\d{4}\-\d{2}\-\d{2})|(\d\d:\d\d:\d\d|host+:\s([a-zA-Z \d]+))|appName+:\s([a-zA-Z \d]+)|(11.\d.\d.\d.\d\d\d.\d\d)|pid+:\s([a-zA-Z \d]+)|XDS+:\s([a-zA-Z \d]+)'
[regex]::Matches($content, $regex) | % {
Date = $_.Groups.Value[1]
Time = $_.Groups.Value[2]
Server= $_.Groups.Value[3]
Application= $_.Groups.Value[4]
Version= $_.Groups.Value[5]
PID= $_.Groups.Value[6]
Message= $_.Groups.Value[7]
} | Export-Csv -Path C:\Users\test.csv
It looks like you could accomplish it using this regex. Using the sample in question the objects would look like this:
Date Time AppName PID Host Message
---- ---- ------- --- ---- -------
2022-05-31 16:56:25 COMMAPS4 8364 win2019standard XFMDataSource process starting
2022-08-28 20:04:39 COMMAPS4 11496 Win2019standard XFMDataSource process exiting now
$re = [regex] @'
(?<AppName>[\w ]+).*?pid[\s:]*
(?<Host>[\w ]+).*?XDS[\s:]*
(?<Message>[\w ]+)
$log = Get-Content path\to\log.txt -Raw
$re.Matches($log) | ForEach-Object {
$out = [ordered]@{}
foreach($group in $_.Groups) {
if($group.Name -eq 0) { continue }
$out[$group.Name] = $group.Value
[pscustomobject] $out
} | Export-Csv path\to\export.csv -NoTypeInformation