I am trying to generate a bar graph with my data, however I am having some trouble formatting the graph and the axis' are showing as 'undefined'
here is the output of my code:
gross_genre = gross_revised[['genre','updated_inflation_values']].groupby('genre').sum().rename(columns={'updated_inflation_values':'sum_of_revenue_by_genre'}).sort_values(by='sum_of_revenue_by_genre', ascending=False)
Musical 8676964512.00
Adventure 4108634373.00
Comedy 2384794127.00
Drama 2190190503.00
Action 77184895.00
here is my code for the graph:
x=alt.X('genre:N', title="Genre"),
y=alt.Y('sum_of_revenue_by_genre:Q', title="Sum of Revenue")
).properties(title='Sum of Revenue by Genre')
however the X axis is showing up with my given title of "Genre", but below that it says "undefined" and there is no data
I would appreciate any help!
It seems like you have a grouped dataframe. Try passing resetting the index via alt.Chart(gross_genre.reset_index() ....