I have searched for this online, but am still a bit confused (as I'm sure others will be if they think of something like this). I'd like to preface by saying that this is not for homework and/or profit.
I wanted to create an app that could listen to your microwave as you prepare popcorn. It would work by sounding an alarm when there's a certain time interval between pops (say 5-6 seconds). Again, this is simply a project to keep me occupied - not for a class.
Either way, I'm having trouble trying to figure out how to analyze the audio intake in real-time. That is, I need a way to log the time when a "pop" occurs. So that you guys don't think I didn't do any research into the matter, I've checked out this SO question and have extensively searched the AudioRecord function list.
I'm thinking that I will probably have to do something with one of the versions of read() and then compare the recorded audio every 2 seconds or so to the recorded audio of a "pop" (i.e. if 70% or more of the byte[] audioData array is the same as that of a popping sound, then log the time). Can anyone with Android audio input experience let me know if I'm at least on the right track? This is not a question of me wanting you to code anything for me, but a question as to whether I'm on the correct track, and, if not, which direction I should head instead.
Check out this code (ignore the playback part): Playing back sound coming from microphone in real-time
Basically the idea is that you will have to take the value of each 16-bit sample (which corresponds to the value of the wave at that time). Using the sampling rate, you can calculate the time between peaks in volume. I think that might accomplish what you want.