Search code examples

Return results that dont have specific property

I am trying to use FILTER to retrieve pages that don't have a specific property.

I am getting all the links from the dbo:wikiPageWikiLink property of that page. I want to keep only the links that don't have the dbp:carbs property. Below is my query that from what I have read from previous questions it returns anything that isn't dbp:carbs.

PREFIX dbpedia2: <>
PREFIX dbpedia: <>

SELECT ?link
  ?link dbo:wikiPageWikiLink <> .
  ?link ?p ?o
  FILTER(?p != dbp:carbs) .


  • With FILTER NOT EXISTS, you get all entities that don’t have the specified triple pattern(s):

    SELECT ?link
    WHERE {
      ?link dbo:wikiPageWikiLink <> .
      FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?link dbp:carbs [] . }