I have a pyspark dataframe with many columns of string and double types on the following form:
|tin|ecu|DcyStart|did1 |did2 |did3|
|1 |1 |1 |34 |null |null|
|1 |1 |2 |null |2 |null|
|1 |1 |3 |null |null |b |
|1 |1 |4 |null |null |null|
|1 |2 |1 |40 |null |null|
|1 |2 |2 |null |2 |null|
|1 |2 |3 |null |null |f |
|1 |2 |4 |null |null |null|
Where each of the did-columns should only have values in rows with a certain value of DcyStart. I am not interested in the information in DcyStart, and i would like to remove it to reduce the table size and get rid of null entries.
I tried grouping on tin and ecu and then aggregating all did-columns over the range of DcyStart with different functions like first()
, max()
and so on, but these functions fail because of one of two reasons:
I have tried several variations of the code below:
list_of_dids = ["did1", "did2", "did3"]
data.groupBy("tin", "ecu").first(*list_of_dids)
but it always gives me one of the two errors listed above.
There are 100+ different did-columns, and some of then could possibly have values for more than one DcyStart, but if that is the case any of them would do for the "aggregation".
What i would like to achieve is this:
|tin|ecu||did1 |did2|did3|
|1 |1 |34 |2 |b |
|1 |2 |40 |2 |f |
How the hell do i solve this? o_O
list_of_dids = ["did1", "did2", "did3"]
from pyspark.sql.functions import first, max
list(map(lambda x: max(x), list_of_dids))
df.groupBy("tin", "ecu").agg(*list(map(lambda x: max(x), list_of_dids))).show()
try this. groupBy().agg() and you can do multiple aggregations in one run.