How can I use the clamp function, for my h1 element, to change the font-size responsive with specific requirements.
h1 { font-size: clamp(min, ???, max); }
Only from a screen width of 576px should "clamp" increase the size of the font proportionally/responsive up to a screen width of 1200px.
@media (min-width: 576px)
h1 { font-size: clamp(32.44px, ???, 61.04px); }
Is there a formula to calculate the green area in the picture?
slope = (maxFontSize - minFontSize) / (maxWidth - minWidth)
yAxisIntersection = -minWidth * slope + minFontSize
preferredValue = yAxisIntersection[rem] + (slope * 100)[vw]
On this Website, I found the formula to calculate the value for clamp.
Linearly Scale font-size with CSS clamp() Based on the Viewport
The calculation example for my situation:
maxFontSize = 61.04px or 3,81rem
minFontSize = 32.44px or 2,0275rem
maxWidth = 1200px or 75rem
minWidth = 576px or 36rem
slope = ( 3,815 - 2,0275) / ( 75 - 36 )
slope = 1,7875 / 39
slope = 0,045833
yAxisIntersection = -36 * slope + 2,0275
yAxisIntersection = 0,3775
preferredValue = yAxisIntersection[rem] + (slope * 100)[vw]
preferredValue = 0,3775rem + 4,5833vw
clamp(2,0275rem, 0,3775rem + 4,5833vw, 3,815rem);
Temani Afif found a website where you can calculate the value. Font-size Clamp Generator