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Binding a Stepper with a Dictionary SwiftUI

I'm not sure if this is possible but I'm currently trying to create a list of steppers using a dictionary[String: Int]. Using the stepper I'm hoping to change the qty amount in the dictionary. I tried binding the value to the stepper by first doing $basic[name] and then that didn't work and so I ended up with $basic[keyPath: name] which resulted in fewer errors but still wasn't working. In the beginning I was having problems of not wanting to change the order of the dictionary that I made, and so I ended up with the ForEach below which worked for not changing the order of dictionary, however, I'm wondering if that's one of the reasons that the binding isn't working.

    import SwiftUI
    struct AllSuppliesStruct {
        @State var basic = ["Regular Staples": 0, "Big Staples": 0]
        var body: some View {
            Form {
                //Basic Supplies
                ForEach(basic.sorted(by: >), id: \.key) { name, qty in
                    Stepper("\(name), \(qty)", value: $basic[keyPath: name], in: 0...10)

Goal: If I pressed on the stepper only once for both Regular and Big Staples then I expect this in the dictionary

basic = ["Regular Staples": 1, "Big Staples": 1]


  • You can manually create a Binding that acts on basic and pass that to Stepper:

    struct AllSuppliesStruct: View {
      @State var basic = ["Regular Staples": 0, "Big Staples": 0]
      var body: some View {
        Form {
          ForEach(basic.sorted(by: >), id: \.key) { name, qty in
              "\(name), \(qty)",
              value: .init(
                get: { basic[name]! },
                set: { basic[name] = $0 }
              in: 0...10