How do I use SQL to show patient_id, first_name, last_name, and attending physician's specialty?
Show patient_id, first_name, last_name, and attending physician's specialty.
Show only the patients who has a diagnosis as 'Epilepsy' and the physician's first name is 'Lisa'
Check patients, admissions, and physicians tables for required information.
SELECT a.first_name ,a.last_name,a.patient_id FROM patients a
JOIN admissions AS n ON a.patient_id= n.patient_id
WHERE n.diagnosis='Epilepsy'
SELECT specialty
FROM admissions AS n
JOIN physicians AS p ON n.attending_physician_id=p.physician_id
WHERE p.first_name='Lisa'
patients table
patient_id INT
first_name TEXT
last_name TEXT
gender CHAR(1)
birth_date DATE
city TEXT
primary key icon province_id CHAR(2)
allergies TEXT
height INT
weight INT
admission table
patient_id INT
admission_date DATE
discharge_date DATE
diagnosis TEXT
primary key icon attending_physician_id INT
physicins table
physician_id INT
first_name TEXT
last_name TEXT
specialty TEXT
Here's a solution. You should also look at how data appear (mixed case) or even long descriptions (such as Epilepsy ABC).
select i.patient_id, i.first_name, i.last_name,
coalesce(p.specialty,'not provided') as physician_specialty --coalesce in case you decide to left join at some point
from patients i
join admission a
on i.patient_id = a.patient_id
join physicians p
on a.attending_physician_id = p.physician_id
where upper(a.diagnosis) like '%EPILEPSY%'
and upper(p.first_name) = 'LISA'