I'm trying to store the shinyproxy stats in a PostgreSQL database, to do this, I created a database and the event table like indicated on the documentation.
This problem is similar to the one occurred with influxdb ... I also tried with the monetdb, same result.
My shiny app work well without the usage-stats-url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost/postgres
line in the application.yml
But when I add the following line, I can no more connect to my apps.
#usage-stats-url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost/postgres
#usage-stats-username: postgres
#usage-stats-password: postgres
The shinyproxy is launched with docker-compose, thanks for any help.
It cause error because you can not access the postgresql db inside your host machine using localhost. Because your container refering localhost to itself.Therefore when you add usage-stats-url : jdbc:postgresql://localhost/postgres
to application.yml
file it try to find a db inside your container instead of the host machine.