Have a question on Azure need to deploy an azure container app by pulling the image from azure container registry from AZ
1- az login -successful
2- az acr login appdev - successful
3- az containerapp create --name apptest --resource-group \
testapp --image appdev.azurecr.io/dev/dev-app:latest \
--environment MyContainerappEnv \
Throwing this error:
the following field(s) are either invalid or missing. Invalid value: "appdev.azurecr.io/dev/dev-app:latest": GET https:?scope=repository%3Adev%2Fdev-app%3Apull&service=appdev.azurecr.io: UNAUTHORIZED: authentication required, visit https://aka.ms/acr/authorization for more information.: template.containers.apptest.image
I have already logged in successfully and able to pull the image using
docker pull appdev.azurecr.io/dev/dev-app:latest
Also this is successful
az acr login --name appdev
Login Succeeded
Able to push the image to ACR . I already have contributor permission to the subscription.
Can anyone help? Thanks
this worked:
az containerapp create --name apptest \
--resource-group testapp \
--image appdev.azurecr.io/dev/dev-app:latest \
--environment MyContainerappEnv \
--registry-server appdev.azurecr.io //adding this