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How to create a one-to-one related record in a separate table during processing (save()) of a form?

Here's the schema:

    id              { type: integer, primary: true, notnull: true, autoincrement: true, unique: true }
    username            { type: string }
    firstname           { type: string }
    lastname            { type: string }
    password            { type: string }
    salt, algorith, etc...

    id      { type: integer, primary: true, notnull: true, autoincrement: true, unique: true }
    user_id     { type: integer }
    user_type   { type: integer }
    User: { class: sfGuardUser, local: user_id, foreign: id, type: one, foreignType: one, foreignAlias: Profile }
    Type: { local: type_id, foreign

Here's what I'm trying to do in the frontend: I'm trying to allow the frontend user to create new user's... which I can do and all goes well.

Where I'm stuck: (1) during the save() process of creating the sf_guard_user, creating the new user's sf_guard_user_profile and setting the column value of 'user_id' to the primary key of the newly-created sf_guard_user (column 'id'). (2) Then also setting the column 'user_type' to 4.

I don't even know where to begin. If someone could point me in the right direction, I'd be would be greatly appreciated.


This is my actions.class.php file (project/Source Files/apps/modules/users/actions):

protected function processForm(sfWebRequest $request, sfForm $form)
    $form->bind($request->getParameter($form->getName()), $request->getFiles($form->getName()));
    if ($form->isValid())
      $sf_guard_user = $form->save();      


  • Looks like you are not understanding right. When you configure correctly the sfGuardPlugin it takes care of the profile creation.

    Let's review the process step by step:

    1) First, configure correctly the sfGuardPlugin, add this to your app.yml

        profile_class:      yourProfileClass
        profile_field_name: user_id

    2) Save your user using the form:


    3) Retrieve the newly created profile, and modify it:

    $user = $form->getObject();
    $profile = $user->getProfile();

    4) And you are done! I use this exact same method on one of my websites. So Me and my users are 100% sure this method works. Remember to set up correctly the sfGuardPlugin, it will create the profile even if you don't use it's admin generator;