I'm trying to implement django two factor auth into my Rest API. Is there a possibility to implement this by using custom views and model creations? Because, at least that's the way I understood it, this library is mainly working based on default django templates and predefined routes. Is it possible to combine this library with a Rest API or should I use another library?
You cam use pyotp library. It's compatible with most of the two factor authenticator app like google authenticator. Very easy to use.
Here is an example how to use use:
base32 = pyotp.random_base32()
>>> base32
>>> totp = pyotp.TOTP(base32)
>>> totp.now()
It will generate random code after every 30 seconds. For generate provisioning URIs for use with the QR Code scanner:
pyotp.totp.TOTP('ERAAADLXLDFBVL2JSR4RLR73DWFWYSTU').provisioning_uri(name='[email protected]', issuer_name='Secure App')
>>> 'otpauth://totp/Secure%20App:alice%40google.com?secret=ERAAADLXLDFBVL2JSR4RLR73DWFWYSTU&issuer=Secure%20App'