I'm trying to create a set of procs based on a 'for loop' counter. MASM doesn't appear to have a traditional for-next type loop, so I'm trying to use a variable and REPT.
ix = 0
rept 2
foo_&ix& proc
mov rax, ix
foo_&ix& endp
ix = ix + 1
; call the generated procs
call foo_0
call foo_1
However ml64.exe is returning error A2008: syntax error : foo_
, so it's like it isn't using the variable.
I assume I'm not defining and using variables correctly. Constants are created with ix equ 0
, but these don't appear to be able to be altered.
From the comments above, use CatStr:
ix = 0
rept 2
@CatStr(<foo_>, %ix, < proc>)
mov rax, ix
@CatStr(<foo_>, %ix, < endp>)
ix = ix + 1
; call the generated procs
call foo_0
call foo_1
All credit to @Micheal Petch