I have a sqlite3 db of Music which has a column named "Album".
Is there a way peewee can query all rows where the Album is a substring of a given string str
- NOT the other way round?
From what I can see, we can query rows where str
is a substring of Album
but not the other way round:
#This works
q_str='anthem for the '
query=Music.select().where((Music.ALBUMARTIST == album_artist) & (Music.ALBUM.contains(qstr)) )
However in my case q_str
would be something like 'anthem for the underdog (bonus track version)'
So I would actually want to perform query like this:
#Query should return a row where Music.ALBUM is 'anthem for the underdog'
q_str='anthem for the underdog (bonus track version)'
query=Music.select().where((Music.ALBUMARTIST == album_artist) & (Music.ALBUM.is_in(qstr)) )
The _in() opertator only works with Lists which isn't suitable in my usecase
You can do it like this:
from peewee import Value
q_str='anthem for the underdog (bonus track version)'
query = (Music
(Music.ALBUMARTIST == album_artist) &