I have the following script that I'm using to send data from google sheets to google calendar so that it creates events in google calendar, but I now need to colour code based on a user selection.
In the worksheet (screen shot below) column "e" will have the colour (or colour code) selected. Is there a way to add to my current script so that colour is added to each event based on the selection in column 'e'?
function create_Events() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var sh = ss.getSheetByName("Timesheet");
var vs = sh.getRange("A1:E" + sh.getLastRow()).getValues();
var cal = CalendarApp.getCalendarById("John@email");
vs.forEach(([t, s, e, d]) => {
cal.createEvent(t, new Date(s), new Date(e), { description: d});
vs.forEach(([t, s, e, d]) => {
to vs.forEach(([t, s, e, d, color]) => {
. By this, color
can be used as the value from column "E".When these points are reflected in your script, how about the following modification?
Before you use this script, please modify the values of column "E" from the hex values to Enum EventColor. It's like PALE_BLUE
, and so on. By this, using the retrieved value and setColor(CalendarApp.EventColor[color.toUpperCase()])
, the event color is set to the created event.
function create_Events() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var sh = ss.getSheetByName("Timesheet");
var vs = sh.getRange("A1:E" + sh.getLastRow()).getValues();
var cal = CalendarApp.getCalendarById("hugh@crichtontax.com.au");
vs.forEach(([t, s, e, d, color]) => {
cal.createEvent(t, new Date(s), new Date(e), { description: d }).setColor(CalendarApp.EventColor[color.toUpperCase()]);
Exception: Invalid argument: color
occurs, please check the values of the column "E" again.