I am building a Flutter app for my personal use. I have deployed a lambda that is triggered via API Gateway, it fetches some data from dynamoDB, processes them, and returns them to the client. The lambda can be triggered by a specific IAM User.
I have the correct access key and secret, when I do the request via Postman, everything works as expected.
When I try to do the request in the Flutter app, however, I get the error
failed: HTTP/2 error: Stream error: Stream was terminated by peer (errorCode: 1).
I am using the AWS SigV4 to sign my request. When printing the canonical request and headers, I don't see any difference from the request that postman does. And when I search for the above error I only find results regarding the case of the headers, but this is something that I can't control with SigV4. Also most results from my search point to gRPC requests, which is not what I'm doing (at least I think I am not).
Apparently, I am doing something wrong. Would appreciate any hints.
Below is the part of the code that signs and performs the request
const signer = AWSSigV4Signer(
credentialsProvider: AWSCredentialsProvider(AWSCredentials(
final request = AWSHttpRequest.get(
'PATH', {
const region = 'REGION';
final scope =
AWSCredentialScope(region: region, service: AWSService.apiGatewayManagementApi);
final signedRequest = await signer.sign(request, credentialScope: scope);
try {
final createResponse = signedRequest.send();
final createStatus = await createResponse.response;
print("Response: ${createStatus.statusCode}");
} catch (e) {
print("Exception: $e");
Something broken in the latest libs. I changed the versions to 0.1.0 and it is working fine. aws_common: ^0.1.0 aws_signature_v4: ^0.1.0