In my screenshot above, I would like to change the Gray highlight color in the above image to another color. Would anyone know how to do this? This is a Button control in UWP.
You can modify the style of the button.
Use Visual Studio templates for quick editing:
Right click on the button control
in your xaml design window.Edit Template
->Edit a Copy..
. .Modify the following parts. ContentPresenter.BorderBrush
<VisualState x:Name="PointerOver">
<Setter Target="RootGrid.(RevealBrush.State)" Value="PointerOver"/>
<Setter Target="RootGrid.Background" Value="{ThemeResource ButtonRevealBackgroundPointerOver}"/>
<Setter Target="ContentPresenter.BorderBrush" Value="#FFFFFFFF"/>
<VisualState x:Name="Pressed">
<Setter Target="RootGrid.(RevealBrush.State)" Value="Pressed"/>
<Setter Target="RootGrid.Background" Value="{ThemeResource ButtonRevealBackgroundPressed}"/>
<Setter Target="ContentPresenter.BorderBrush" Value="#4D0087FF"/>
and refer to this style in your button.
<Button Style="{StaticResource YourButtonStyle}".../>