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How to pass nested json object to Capacitor plugin?

I want to pass a nested Json Object from JavaScript context to a Capacitor plugin. No nested objects are working. When nested, I'm struggling with the JSValue that I cannot cast into a dictionary.

public class MyPlugin: CAPPlugin {

    @objc func start(_ call: CAPPluginCall) {
        let fooCAP: JSObject = call.getObject("foo")!

        let foo: Foo = // ?

public struct Foo: Decodable {
    let bar: Bar

public struct Bar: Decodable {
    let color: String

I can get the bar value with fooCAP["bar"], but I can't get the color value with fooCAP["bar"]["color"] because fooCAP["bar"] is of type JSValue.

The documentation says, I should use .toDictionary(), but this function doesn't exist.

How can I convert the JSObject into my struct?


  • Example:

    if let bar = fooCAP["bar"] as? JSObject {
        if let color = bar["color"] as? String {
            // Do something

    Here you can find another example on GitHub.