I wanted to connect to my gcp vm instance via ssh, but I couldn't connect.
At first, I saw the message "[Errno 28] No space left on device", so I searched at this site. No space left on device <- this link didn't help me because I can't even open ssh. and answers to other related questions couldn't help me because they are premised on the possibility to use sudo or other commands. What should I do in gcp page to solve this? Error codes are below. (I wrote down the error I saw first.)
OSError: [Errno 28] No space left on device: '/var/tmp/cloud-init/cloud-init-dhcp-2e4eit3d'
ERROR non_windows_accounts.go:142 gpasswd: /etc/group.1894: No space left on device
Since there is no space left on the device, the resized boot disk is not recognized.
I would suggest to: