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How to reuse an IMFSample without consuming additional memory

I wrote a screen video capture program in C++ /CLI. I capture the video 30 times a second and display it in a picture box. My idea was to copy the IMFSample to a reusable output sample then free the source sample to control memory usage.

Although I call sampleOut->RemoveAllBuffers() prior to sampleOut->AddBuffer(destBuf), it still consumes additional memory. It appears that RemoveAllBuffers doesn't actually free the memory from the prior video frame. Any idea how I can free the memory without having to release the sampleOut and recreate it?

HRESULT ScreenCapture::DuplicateSample(IMFSample* sample)
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    if (!sample)
        hr = E_ABORT;
        return hr;
    DWORD sampleFlags = 0;
    LONGLONG llVideoTimeStamp = 0;
    LONGLONG llSampleDuration = 0;
    IMFMediaBuffer* srcBuf;
    IMFMediaBuffer* destBuf;

    hr = sample->GetSampleFlags(&sampleFlags);
    hr = sample->GetSampleTime(&llVideoTimeStamp);
    hr = sample->GetSampleDuration(&llSampleDuration);

    hr = sampleOut->SetSampleFlags(sampleFlags);
    hr = sampleOut->SetSampleTime(llVideoTimeStamp);
    hr = sampleOut->SetSampleDuration(llSampleDuration);

    srcBuf = nullptr;
    hr = sample->GetBufferByIndex(0, &srcBuf);

    byte* srcByteBuffer = nullptr;
    DWORD srcBuffCurrLen = 0;
    DWORD srcBuffMaxLen = 0;

    hr = srcBuf->Lock(&srcByteBuffer, &srcBuffMaxLen, &srcBuffCurrLen);

    destBuf = nullptr;
    hr = MFCreateMemoryBuffer(srcBuffCurrLen, &destBuf);

    byte* destByteBuffer = nullptr;

    hr = destBuf->Lock(&destByteBuffer, nullptr, nullptr);

    memcpy(destByteBuffer, srcByteBuffer, srcBuffCurrLen);

    hr = destBuf->Unlock();
    hr = srcBuf->Unlock();

    hr = destBuf->SetCurrentLength(srcBuffCurrLen);


    hr = sampleOut->AddBuffer(destBuf); //Memory issue here


    return hr;

As you can see I also need a better way to handle the hr testing for each step. I figured I deal with that after I get the code working.

Thanks for your help!


  • The question you are interested in is how to reuse samples instead of allocating them each time. The primary call you want to avoid is MFCreateMemoryBuffer because it is the actual memory consumer, not the buffer attachment/detachment from sample objects.

    The ideal solution is along these lines:

    • you create a memory allocator (conceptually similar to created by MFCreateVideoSampleAllocatorEx, just your own implementation)
    • the allocator manages a pool of samples, either pre-created or extended on demand
    • your code obtains a sample with respective buffer from memory allocator and before the same is fully released, which you track by looking at COM reference count of the object that implements IMFSample, it is considered as engaged and is not available for reuse from the pool
    • once everyone releases a sample, it returns to the pool and is available for reuse; that is, your video frame processing code will not allocate any new buffers, it will pick next free buffer which is already allocated and available

    This is exactly how allocators provided by mentioned MFCreateVideoSampleAllocatorEx work.