Given this question where increment over the iterator i happens by incrementing its value by its own log value. What will be the big O time complexity for this fragment?
i = 10
while(i<n) {
Interesting question! Here's an initial step toward working out the runtime.
Let's imagine that we have reached a point in the loop where the value of i has reached 2k for some natural number k. Then for i to increase to 2k+1, we'll need approximately 2k / k iterations to elapse. Why? That's because
We can therefore break the algorithm apart into "stages." In the first stage, we grow from size 23 to size 24, requiring (roughly) 23/3 steps. In the second stage, we grow from size 24 to size 25, requiring (roughly) 24 / 4 steps. After repeating this process many times, we eventually grow from size n/2 = 2log n - 1 to size n = 2log n, requiring (roughly) 2log n / log n steps. The total amount of work done is therefore given by
23 / 3 + 24/4 + 25 / 5 + ... + 2log n / log n.
The goal now is to find some bounds on this expression. We can see that the sum is at least equal to its last term, which is 2log n / log n = n / log n, so the work done is Ω(n / log n). We can also see that the work done is less than
23 + 24 + 25 + ... + 2log n
≤ 2log n + 1 (sum of a geometric series)
= 2n,
so the work done is O(n). That sandwiches the runtime between Ω(n / log n) and O(n).
It turns out that Θ(n / log n) is indeed a tight bound here, which can be proved by doing a more nuanced analysis of the summation.