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How to use some property of parent class in child class

Lets say I have a class named as "Class Section" having two properties i.e. area and mElement. Like this:

    Public Class ClassSection

    Public Property area as double 
    Public Property mElement as ClassElement

    End Class

Now i want to use ClassSection (parent class) property "area" in mElement. Like this in below code.

    Public Class ClassElement

    Public Sub CalculateAreaRatio()
    Dim AreaRatio as Double
    AreaRatio=Area/10 'This area is ClassSection Area
    End Sub
    End Class

How this can be done. Thank you in advance


  • As I have said in my comment every ClassElement that you create is unaware if it is contained in a ClassSection element or not. If you want to let know each element of this relationship you should pass the container to the ClassElement instance.

    So let's change the ClassElement structure to this one

    Public Class ClassElement
        Dim myParent As ClassSection
        Public Sub New(parent As ClassSection )
            myParent = parent
        End Sub
        Public Function CalculateAreaRatio() As Double
            Dim AreaRatio As Double
            AreaRatio = MyParent.Area / 10 'This area is ClassSection Area
            Return AreaRatio
        End Function 
    End Class

    Now every time you create a ClassElement you are forced to pass into the constructor code the ClassSection container. And you save the instance passed in a private field. This private field can be used inside the CalculateAreaRatio.

    The calling code could be something like this one

    Dim section As ClassSection = New ClassSection With {
            .area = 3
    section.mElement = New ClassElement(section)