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how to change column colour base on a condition in powershell html

Firstly i would apologize if i was asking a very noob question, i'm a beginner powershell users and i don't have much exp in scripting, i have some issue to output html report using powershell. I wanted to change the colour of each row according to the utilization % wheter it is above or below 90%. However i only manage to change the colour of the first row.

i have 2 file which i use to output the report.

output from agg.csv


output from aggregate.csv


my code to generate the html report.

$a1=gc $TPATH\agg.csv
$b1 =$a1 

 for ($i1 = 0;$i1 -lt $a1.count;$i1++)
  $c = $c1[2].Length
  $c = $c - 1
  $d1=$c1[0] + "," + $c1[3] + "," + $c1[1] + "," + $c1[5] + "," + $c1[2].remove($c)  + "," + $c1[4]
  $d1 | Out-File ("$TPATH\aggregate.csv") -Encoding UTF8 -append

 $bodyB = (import-csv $TPATH\aggregate.csv) |Select Aggregate,Size,Available,Used,Utilized,State -OutVariable ag | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment |
 foreach { if($ag.Utilized -gt 90) {$_ -replace "<tr>", "<tr bgcolor=#FE0808>"}else{$_ -replace "<tr>", "<tr bgcolor=#E5FCA1>"}} |Out-String 

convertTo-HTML -Body "<br> $bodyB" |out-file $PATH\Netapp.html

my final output look like this

enter image description here

how can i get the output to be like this, i want to have the colour change to Red if the threshold is above 90% in the Utilized column and Green if the threshold is below 90%. enter image description here

Thank you in advance for those whom willing to help, really appreciate your help in this.

Thank You.


  • Replace -OutVariable ag with -PipelineVariable ag, so that $ag in your foreach (ForEach-Object) script block refers only to the single input object at hand.

    • The purpose of the common -PipelineVariable (-pv) parameter is to store the current object being output in a self-chosen variable, so that it can be accesses in a script block later in the same pipeline.

    • By contrast, the purpose of the common -OutVariable (-ov) parameter is to collect all output from a command in a self-chosen variable, for later processing in a different, subsequent statement, not in the same pipeline.

      • If you do access such a variable in a script block in the same pipeline, you'll see the output objects accumulated so far (which explains the behavior you saw - see below).

    As for what you tried:

    Due to the mistaken use of -OutVariable ag, your script block saw the Import-Csv output objects collected so far in variable $ag rather than the output object at hand.

    Thus, starting with the second output object, $ag was in effect an array of objects, and accessing its . Utilized property resulted in member-access enumeration, and therefore returning an array of utilization values.

    Since -gt, like all PowerShell comparison operators, acts as a filter when its LHS is an array, $ag.Utilized -gt 90 started to generate a return value (the subarray of matching values) as soon as at least one element in the array of values satisfied this condition.

    In a Boolean context such as an if-statement conditional, a non-empty array is interpreted as $true.

    Therefore, in effect ($ag.Utilized -gt 90) returned $true as soon as the first value above 90 was part of the return array, and invariably remained true.