I want to be able to make a nameref pointer to a function name, using bash declare -n.
Code below demonstrated what i expected should work.
declare -fx _myfunc
declare -nx myfunc=_myfunc
_myfunc() {
echo "123"
return 0
echo "myfunc: $(myfunc)"
echo "_myfunc: $(_myfunc)"
expected result:
myfunc: 123
_myfunc: 123
actual result:
myscript: line 9: myfunc: command not found
_myfunc: 123
You are not accesing the variable myfunc (with ${myfunc}). But you also have to dereference it since it is a pointer to _myfunc.
So, it should be:
echo "myfunc: $(${!myfunc})" <--- this changes
echo "_myfunc: $(_myfunc)"
and then you will get:
myfunc: 123
_myfunc: 123