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Unable to open *.java files in eclipse after installing PyDev

I installed PyDev in eclipse to add support for python,

it's was going great until I found out I cannot open *.java files anymore, but when I uninstall PyDev, I can open *.java files.

Can anyone explain?


  • This was some regression en Eclipse itself (as nothing changed in the area in PyDev in many years but Eclipse 2022-03 started misbehaving when the PyDev Navigator Content is enabled in the Project Explorer -- or maybe they fixed some bug that PyDev relied on 😄).

    I still need to investigate if this is fixable in the PyDev side...

    Right now the workarounds available are:

    1. Don't use the Project Explorer (i.e.: keep to the Package Explorer or PyDev Package Explorer).
    2. Disable PyDev Navigator Content in the Project Explorer (see image below).

    Disable PyDev Navigator Content in the Project Explorer