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kotlin fun with string concatenation

I need help concatenating a string in a kotlin viewmodel. I am trying to return what the code should print to the status text view. The formula determines from a Int what the status should be then outputs a message to the User. I am unsure as to what method should be used to create a string that I wanted to return.

fun formula(f: Int, b: Int, l: Int, d: Int) : String {
        if (f > 70 && f < 99) {
            val ftxt = "Normal"
        } else if (f < 71) {
            val ftxt = "Hypoglycemic"

        if (b > 140) {
            val btxt = "Abnormal"
        } else if (b < 71) {
            val btxt = "Hypoglycemic"

        if (l > 140) {
            val ltxt = "Abnormal"
        } else if (l < 71) {
            val ltxt = "Hypoglycemic"

        if (d > 140) {
            val dtxt = "Abnormal"
        }else if (d < 71) {
            val dtxt = "Hypoglycemic"
        else {
            val ftxt = "Abnormal"
            val btxt = "Normal"
            val ltxt = "Normal"
            val dtxt = "Normal"
        var status = calendar.toString()
        status += "\n Fasting: "
        status += ftxt + "\n Breakfast: "
        status += btxt + "\n Lunch: "
        status += ltxt + "\n Dinner: " + dtxt
        return status

Red text


  • Without entering into detail on how you could improve your function you're having the "red squiggles" because those val are declared within the scope of the if-else blocks.

    You can declare them out of the block and assign values:

    fun formula(f: Int, b: Int, l: Int, d: Int) : String {
        var ftxt = ""    
        var btxt = ""
        var ltxt = ""
        var dtxt = ""
        if (f > 70 && f < 99) {
            ftxt = "Normal"
        } else if (f < 71) {
            ftxt = "Hypoglycemic"
        if (b > 140) {
            btxt = "Abnormal"
        } else if (b < 71) {
            btxt = "Hypoglycemic"
        if (l > 140) {
            ltxt = "Abnormal"
        } else if (l < 71) {
            ltxt = "Hypoglycemic"
        if (d > 140) {
            dtxt = "Abnormal"
        }else if (d < 71) {
            dtxt = "Hypoglycemic"
        else {
            ftxt = "Abnormal"
            btxt = "Normal"
            ltxt = "Normal"
            dtxt = "Normal"
        var status = calendar.toString()
        status += "\n Fasting: "
        status += ftxt + "\n Breakfast: "
        status += btxt + "\n Lunch: "
        status += ltxt + "\n Dinner: " + dtxt
        return status