I am using MediaWiki as my backend and I have it running on 'localhost/name'.
My login.js file:
import React, {useState} from 'react';
import axios from 'axios';
function Login() {
const [username, setUsername] = useState('');
const [password, setPassword] = useState('');
async function login() {
console.log(username, password);
let url = 'http://localhost/wikimedia/api.php';
let params = {
action: "query",
meta: "tokens",
format: "json",
type: "login"
// fetch login
const response = await axios.get(url + '?' + params + '&origin=*');
let loginToken = response.data.query.tokens.logintoken
let cookie = response.headers['set-cookie'].join(';');
let body = {
action: 'login',
lgname: username,
lgpassword: password,
lgtoken: loginToken,
format: 'json'
let bodyData = new URLSearchParams(body).toString();
axios.post(url, bodyData, {
headers: {
Cookie: cookie,
}).then(response => {
let cookie = response.headers['set-cookie'].join(';')
return (
<h1>Sign In</h1>
onChange={(e) => setUsername(e.target.value)}
onChange={(e) => setPassword(e.target.value)}
<button onClick={login} type="submit">Login</button>
export default Login;
However, I'm getting the below response which is not what is expected according to the documentation:
"data": "a-bunch-of-irrelevant-stuff",
"status": 200,
"statusText": "OK",
"headers": {
"cache-control": "private, must-revalidate, max-age=0",
"content-language": "en",
"content-type": "text/html; charset=utf-8",
"expires": "Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT",
"mediawiki-login-suppressed": "true"
"config": {
"transitional": {
"silentJSONParsing": true,
"forcedJSONParsing": true,
"clarifyTimeoutError": false
"transformRequest": [
"transformResponse": [
"timeout": 0,
"xsrfCookieName": "XSRF-TOKEN",
"xsrfHeaderName": "X-XSRF-TOKEN",
"maxContentLength": -1,
"maxBodyLength": -1,
"env": {},
"headers": {
"Accept": "application/json, text/plain, */*"
"method": "get",
"url": "http://localhost/wikimedia/api.php?[object Object]&origin=*"
"request": {}
So far, I'm logging to the console the response of the first fetch -> token, but I'm not getting the response as expected:
"batchcomplete": "",
"query": {
"tokens": {
"logintoken": "9ed1499d99c0c34c73faa07157b3b6075b427365+\\"
You are getting a CORS error. See https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API:Cross-site_requests on how to make CORS requests to the MediaWiki API.