I have multiple polygons in a dataset and I would like to:
This code does half of my first ask and I know st_distance
can do the latter. I was hoping for a solution that wouldn't need for a matrix of every distance between every polygon to be generated.
download.file("https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1-I4F2NYvFWkNqy7ASFNxnyrwr_wT0lGF" , destfile="ProximityAreas.zip")
Proximity_Areas <- st_read("Proximity_Areas.gpkg")
Nearest_UID <- st_nearest_feature(Proximity_Areas)
Proximity_Areas <- Proximity_Areas %>%
select(UID) %>%
mutate(NearUID = UID[Nearest_UID])
Is there a method of producing two outputs 1) an appended Proximity_Areas file that included the distance and XY coorindates for the nearest points for the UID and Neatest_UID and 2) a file that looks similar to the original Proximity_Areas file, just with merged polygons if the criteria is met?
Once you have created index of nearest neighbors you can calculate the connecting lines via a sf::st_nearest_points()
An interesting aspect is that if you make the call on geometries (not sf, but sfc objects) you do the calculation pairwise (i.e. not in a matrix way).
The call will return linestrings, which is very helpful since you can calculate their length and have two of your objectives (nearest points & distance) at a single call...
lines <- Proximity_Areas %>%
st_geometry() %>% # extact geometry
# create a line to nearest neighbour as geometry
st_nearest_points(st_geometry(Proximity_Areas)[Nearest_UID], pairwise =T) %>%
# make sf again (so it can hold data)
st_as_sf() %>%
# add some data - start, finish, lenght
mutate(start = Proximity_Areas$UID,
end = Proximity_Areas$UID[Nearest_UID],
distance = st_length(.))
# Rows: 39
# Columns: 4
# $ x <LINESTRING [m]> LINESTRING (273421.5 170677..., LINESTRING (265535.1 166136..., LINESTRING (265363.3 1…
# $ start <chr> "U001", "U002", "U003", "U004", "U005", "U006", "U007", "U008", "U009", "U010", "U011", "U012", "…
# $ end <chr> "U026", "U010", "U013", "U033", "U032", "U014", "U028", "U036", "U011", "U008", "U028", "U030", "…
# $ distance [m] 317.84698 [m], 579.85131 [m], 529.67907 [m], 559.96441 [m], 0.00000 [m], 80.54011 [m], 754.94311 [m…
The part about joining close objects together is a bit tricky, since you don't know how many polygons you will end up with - you can have a polygon A that is far from C, but will end up merged since both are close to B. This does not vectorize easily and you are likely to end up running a while loop. For a possible approach consider this related answer Dissolving polygons by distance - R