Our php-driven website has recently added ssl certificates to support the https protocol and we are having problems with IE6 through IE8 although our pages do not have resources called through http.
I have read this post : http://paulirish.com/2010/the-protocol-relative-url/
So, basicaly, I need to replace all the
background: url('/images/whatever.gif');
With :
background: url('//www.mydomain.com/images/whatever.gif');
I'm not quite a fan of using my domain name across several hundred css files to start with, but suppose I do : what would be the best practice to do so for my development, test and staging environments which are all on different subdomains than the production site. I would need to use dynamic representations of the domain name in the css files, most probably driven from some sort of config file, but how ?
You don't have to add your hostname to use protocol-relative URLs. The form you're already using is protocol-relative, because it doesn't specify a protocol.
Can you detail the problems you are having? Have you confirmed with a test that the URL with a domain name will solve your problem?
PS: If you have hundreds of CSS files, you'll probably be happier with a dynamic generation system anyway, but that's a separate matter.