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How to get a value from OuterXml result using LINQ or Lambda?

How to get a value from OuterXml result using LINQ or Lambda? Especifically the 'chNFe' value from XML result below:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <retEnviNFe xmlns="" versao="4.00">
        <xMotivo>Lote processado</xMotivo>
           <protNFe versao="4.00">
                <xMotivo>Rejeicao: Endereco do site da UF da consulta via QR-Code diverge do previsto</xMotivo>

What I have been trying, from a return of a Web Service OuterXml:

            var retorno = ws.nfeAutorizacaoLoteAsync(newNode).Result;
            var docC = XDocument.Parse(retorno.nfeResultMsg.OuterXml);

            // var movieCount = docC.Elements("protNFe").Elements("infProt").Elements("chNFe").Select(e => e.Value);

            //XElement docss = XElement.Load(docC);

            var chaveRetorno = from element in docC.Elements()
                               where element.Name == "chNFe"
                               select element;


  • This will get you all of the "chNFe" elements. If there is just one you can tack on FirstOrDefault() or Single(), etc...

    Since your document has a namespace you can add it to the element name:

     XNamespace ns  = ""; 
     var node = docC.Descendants( ns + "chNFe");