My problem is quite similar to the problem here: Trimming a trailing \0 from fgets() in C
However, the suggested solution buffer[strcspn(buffer, "\n")] = 0;
as I am using char ** to store the tokens
Here's my code:
char str[1024];
fgets(str, 1024, stdin);
const char s[2] = " ";
char *token;
char ** token_arr = malloc(100 * sizeof(char*));
int pos = 0;
token = strtok(str, s);
while( token != NULL) {
token_arr[pos] = token;
printf( "%d %s\n", pos, token );
token = strtok(NULL, s);
int i = 0;
while (token_arr[i]) {
printf("%d %s \n", i, token_arr[i]);
a b c d e
The printf in each loop is separated by a blank line, which I presume is due to the trailing \0 that is perhaps stored inside the token_arr. How can I remove it?
Thanks a lot
ETA: What I meant it each print loop is printing an unintended extra blank line.
Contrary to gets(), fgets() keeps the newline that you typed in after your input.
Since the newline is not in your list of tokens it is kept as a part of the last token, hence the empty line.
just replace const char s[2] = " ";
const char s[3] = " \n";