Let's say I have a Vector v which points into a certain direction. My question is straightforward: How do I construct a Quaternion out of this direction Vector so an object would look into the direction of the vector? I suppose I need the forward Vector of the Object to point into the same direction as the direction Vector. How would I do that using Quaternions? Or am I supposed to do something completely different? Thanks in advance.
I have found the answer:
Quaternion Quaternion::LookAt(Vector3f direction, Vector3f forward, Vector3f up) {
Quaternion rot1 = RotationBetweenVectors(forward, direction);
Vector3f right = Vector3f::CrossProduct(direction, up);
up = Vector3f::CrossProduct(right, direction);
Vector3f realUp(0, 1, 0);
Vector3f newUp = rot1 * realUp;
Quaternion rot2 = RotationBetweenVectors(newUp, up);
Quaternion res = rot2 * rot1;
return Quaternion(res.x, res.y, res.z, res.w);
Quaternion Quaternion::RotationBetweenVectors(Vector3f forward, Vector3f direction) {
forward = Vector3f::Normalize(forward);
direction = Vector3f::Normalize(direction);
float cosTheta = Vector3f::DotProduct(forward, direction);
Vector3f axis;
if (cosTheta < -1 + 0.001f) {
// special case when vectors in opposite directions:
// there is no "ideal" rotation axis
// So guess one; any will do as long as it's perpendicular to start
axis = Vector3f::CrossProduct(Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), forward);
if (axis.Length() * axis.Length() < 0.01)
axis = Vector3f::CrossProduct(Vector3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), forward);
axis = Vector3f::Normalize(axis);
return Quaternion(axis.x, axis.y, axis.z, DegreesToRadians(0));
axis = Vector3f::CrossProduct(forward, direction);
float s = sqrt((1 + cosTheta) * 2);
float invs = 1 / s;
return Quaternion(
axis.x * invs,
axis.y * invs,
axis.z * invs,
s * 0.5f